What You Should Know About The Age Of Your Tyres

Age Of Your Tyres

Quick Facts: When Should You Replace The Tyres?

When the tread depth of Goodyear Tyres Rowledge drops below 1.6 mm, which is the cap, you must substitute the tyres. Please keep in mind that the tread depth, pattern design, and rubber component of your tyres all influence safe driving in humid and winter conditions. 

Braking performance on humid or snow-covered roads will deteriorate as tread depths decrease. With disappearing tread depths, there is a higher risk of aquaplaning on slick pavement. As a result, check your tyres regularly, slow down on wet and slushy roads, and try changing your tyres in good time. 

All tyres (including spares) that are more than ten years old must undergo a replacement with new tyres. 

Examine the markings on the tyre sidewall following the “DOT” symbol to determine the real age of any car tyre. 

A frequently asked question about tyre maintenance is about service life. How long will your tyres last before they need a replacement?

The answer is dependent on a variety of factors, including your driving style, tyre tread design, the climate of the region, traffic conditions, and how regularly the car would get used.

Another consideration is you, the driver. You, like the rest of the vehicle, play an important role in the care and maintenance of your wheels’ tyres. 

The longer they endure, the greater care you give them.You must also determine when it is necessary to replace worn tyres with new tyres. 

Use the following principles to determine your tyres’ maximum service life. If you have any further questions after reading this article, please contact your local tyre dealer; they will be happy to assist you.

Tyre maintenance to stretch their life

Continental manufactures and designs its tyres to last for thousands of kilometres. Get the most out of your tyres by taking precautions to avoid harm from inappropriate use, which can shorten their lifespan.

The conditions that your tyres have to go through daily are critical in determining service life. Regular tyre rotation and storage are also important. However, because service conditions differ greatly from vehicle to vehicle and driver to driver, applying universal forecasts on how long a tyre would last is inconceivable.

However, with proper maintenance, you can be alert and extend the life of your tyre. Consider the following factors before purchasing replacement tyres:

Regular tyre pressure checks;

Rotating the rear and front tyres evenly, left and right depending on the tread pattern;

Keeping the wheels and axles in proper alignment;

Verifying treadwear (the acceptable limit is 1.6 mm); 

Tyre inspection for visible damage or wear. 

While driving, pay attention to the ride quality.

Examining tyre age

Here’s a quick way to tell how old your tyres are: look on the sidewall! The real age of any car tyre can get calculated by analysing the markings on the tyre sidewall that follow the “DOT” symbol:

The last 4 numbers represent the tyre’s manufacturing date to the closest week.

The first pair of these four digits (which range from “01” to “53”) recognises the date of manufacturing to the nearest week.

The final set of numbers indicates the year of manufacture.

A tyre with a DOT of XXXXXXXX2814, for example, was manufactured in the 28th week of 2014.

Some observations about older tyres

When inspecting your sidewall markings, keep the following in mind:

Tyres manufactured before the year 2000 have 3 numbers rather than four to imply the production date.

Continental added a triangle to the finish of the character string in the 1990s. This must get done to distinguish tyre manufacture in the 1990s from once in previous decades.

As an example, a tyre with the label “DOT XXXXXXXX274” was there in the 27th week of 1994.

How long will tyres last?

Many companies are not aware of any technical information that would support the discontinuation of service for tyres older than a certain age. However, the same principle applies to your vehicle’s tyres as it does to any other component – age matters.

Along with other members of the Tyres Bracknell and transportation sectors, the company recommends that all tyres (including spare tyres) manufactured more than ten years ago get taken out of service and replaced with fresh tyres.

You should follow this tip even if you:

Based on their appearance, the tyres appear to be in good shape and usable. 

The tread wear has not exceeded the legal minimum.