As you can see, web hosting is a very simple concept, but the technology behind it is very complicated.
Fortunately, since most technical issues are handled on the server side, you don’t need to load this information.
When choosing the best website hosting companies, there are several basic factors to consider.
Which ones?
Let’s figure it out!
1. Bandwidth and storage
Bandwidth is one of the most important aspects that hosting services use to create their pricing model.
This is the number of bits the server sends to your visitors.
When you choose hosting, the first step is to try to honestly measure the amount of traffic the site can receive and determine the site’s bandwidth and resource intensity.
If you store a lot of video content on a website or other multimedia, each visit will require a lot of bandwidth.
For example, if you are building an online store or catalog, there may be a lot of images. Compared to a regular blog, the website needs more images, and a regular blog contains one image per text.
2. Scalability
Savvy readers may have noticed that if you underestimate the amount of communication, or if the amount of communication increases suddenly (good luck enough), problems may arise.
Therefore, it is important to know that you can easily switch from one plan to another.
In this case, an interesting option is to use a cloud hosting service that allows you to scale seamlessly without site delays (for example, when moving to another computer).
3. Hosting types
If we exclude cloud services, hosting is usually divided into three types: shared hosting (Shared), virtual private server (VPS) and physical server.
Let’s dwell on each of these web definitions !
1. Shared hosting
The cheapest-your data is stored on one computer along with data from hundreds of other sites.
The functions you get are limited, such as the way to download files, the programs that can be used on the server, etc.
However, if you are not familiar with affiliate marketing and don’t know exactly what your website needs, then this is a good place to start.
2. Virtual Private Server (VPS)
VPS hosting is a very attractive intermediate option because it provides you with good features at a reasonable price.
It is a virtual machine or simulated operating system.
Think of it as a “picture in picture”-a server can have multiple independent virtual machines, such as a microcomputer in a powerful virtual machine.
Even if all these virtual machines will use hardware, the result will be better than shared hosting, and you will have access to more features in hosting.
3. Physical server
In this case, you will have your own physical machine.
Basically, this is equivalent to the machine you want to install in your home, but you don’t need to buy a computer, and it’s all in the data center.
Obviously, you need good system management skills to set up and maintain everything, but it also provides you with unlimited flexibility, you can customize everything to meet your needs.
4. Reliability
If you think a transaction is too convincing to be realized, it may be.
Certain services offer seemingly unlimited storage or bandwidth at incredibly low prices, but the end result is doubtful to say the least.
The server may crash with your site, and you may lose valuable traffic at best, or all data at worst.
5. User friendliness
Although most of the work is done by the hosting company, there are other things you might need to do to set up the site or add other features.
Some companies provide the best documentation and super experienced technical support, so keep this in mind when choosing a provider.