Well, if you are working in a business sector then the skill of multitasking is necessary to manage various roles across different business functions. It helps you to stable your work efficiency and mental performance during work time. Although multitasking helps you to manage more work simultaneously, if you take too much work than you can handle then it can make you stressed and can damage your effective decision-making skills. Richard Warke is one of the exceptional examples who has been very active in helping new leaders to understand the value of multitasking. Richard Warke net worth proves that he is an effective leader of several companies including Arizona Mining and Augusta Resource Corporation. You will be surprised to know about Richard Warke net worth as a successful leader.
Here are five essential tips to help you multitask:
Set yourself realistic goals:
“The secret to multitasking is that it isn’t actually multitasking. It’s just extreme focus and organization,” said Joss Whedon, an American filmmaker, composer, and comic book writer. He is the founder of Mutant Enemy Productions, co-founder of Bellwether Pictures, and is best known as the creator of several television series.
Multitasking does not mean holding up with too much work and damaging your work quality, this can bring unnecessary stress and anxiety towards you. Well, it’s true that working in a business with a huge workload can take all week to complete your task, this is not productive. You need to be more realistic with your goals, try to separate your work task according to their importance and urgency, and focus on finishing the task part-wise. This will allow you to manage multiple tasks with ease and will reduce your stress at work.
Give yourself some time:
Knowing how long it will take you to successfully complete a task is important so that you can meet your team’s expectations. Multitasking can create unnecessary stress when you are doing too much at once and not taking enough time to complete your tasks. Remember to set a realistic time frame if you don’t and delaying will only cause you more stress in the future.
Create a list:
Writing lists or using online organizational tools like Excel or Trello can help you feel confident about your workload. When you get off your to-do list and have a lot of tasks to complete, you’re more likely to forget something important. Writing an explanatory list for each task creates an easily accessible to-do list.
Prioritize your tasks:
A written to-do list makes it easy for you to prioritize your workload. Priority ensures you complete high-priority tasks on time and allows you to manage business expectations when you have something important to do.
Plan your weekday by day:
Once you’ve prioritized your tasks, you can start creating your schedule for each day of the week. This will create a plan for the tasks you will manage each day, and you can determine if there are days when you can work on the priority tasks yourself. Allocating this focus time will help you multitask more efficiently throughout the week.