Web hosting is a need, not a luxury if you own a business of any level. In today’s internet-connected world, businesses must have websites, even if the pages merely give their addresses and hours of operation. The days of simply looking you up in the phone book are long gone. If you don’t have a shareable website URL, your chances of generating online word-of-mouth through social networking are relatably less. In other words, if you don’t have a website, you won’t be able to find it, and this leads to no money. Web hosting isn’t just for businesses, though. You might also choose to set up a personal website or blog. In any case, the best web hosting deals offered may meet your needs.
Top Web Hosting Services
Let us take a look at the best web hosting deals that can benefit you.
- Bluehost
Bluehost has been in the hosting business for almost two decades and has an outstanding repute in a competitive sector. It provides managed and unmanaged WordPress hosting, as well as shared hosting, virtual private servers (VPS), dedicated hosting, and managed and unmanaged WordPress hosting. Unmetered bandwidth consumption is available with shared hosting plans, and rates are competitive and reflect the quality of the service.
- InMotion Hosting
InMotion Hosting is a hosting company that specializes in managed hosting. It promotes its services by claiming that no support agent may handle chat, phone, or support email tickets without first completing an extensive internal training program. This indicates that the helpful, prompt customer service is well-informed.
Its shared web hosting starts at a very affordable price. The features are well worth the money, with support for two sites, ten email accounts, plenty of storage space, and limitless bandwidth.
- DreamHost
DreamHost is one of the most well-known web hosting businesses available. Its 1.5 million customers benefit from excellent performance, with no downtime and fast speeds across a variety of hosting packages, including shared, dedicated, cloud, and VPS hosting, as well as managed and unmanaged WordPress hosting.
The DreamHost 97-day money-back guarantee, which effectively means you may seek a complete refund at any moment during the first three months of your subscription, is a remarkable feature. Only a few competitors come close to matching this along with the best web hosting deals it offers you.
- GreenGeeks
GreenGeeks is an eco-friendly web hosting provider that invests in renewable energy to keep its services carbon neutral, as its title implies.
GreenGeeks does not compel you to pick between hosting quality and environmental benefit with its excellent shared hosting services. All of the plans provide unlimited traffic and storage capacity, as well as free website migration, domain registration, and auto installation.
- Hostgator
From domains to dedicated servers, HostGator has always been known for its impressive array of hosting services. The web hosting provider is one of the best when it comes to shared hosting services, simply because of its dependability, affordability, and the fact that the company guarantees 99.9% uptime.
Starting with the Hatchling subscription, which includes unmetered bandwidth, free WordPress/cPanel website transfer, and a free SSL certificate, HostGator provides three different shared hosting plans. The allocations are considerable and should be ready enough for a single domain’s needs.
To begin, determine your budget and go for the best web hosting deals offered by the services. Some hosts offer low beginning pricing, implying that you’ll pay for two or three years in advance; double-check to see if your renewal fees will be much higher.
Then consider the features and security of the web hosting. Often, you’ll have access to one of the top website builders, which will make building a site a breeze. It’s worth searching for features like automated backups, proactive malware detection, and a free domain name.