Day: November 22, 2022

Chatbots for Marketing

Chatbots for Marketing: How to Engage, Qualify, and Convert Leads

November 22, 2022

By Marisa Hochberg : As we’ve grown as brands, so too have our digital marketing strategies. We use a variety of channels to drive more targeted audiences to our content and apps. As we become more data-driven and customer-obsessed, marketers are using artificial intelligence and chatbots to better serve consumers and businesses alike. In […]

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Offshore Outsourcing

Offshore Outsourcing Pros and Cons: Everything You Need to Know

November 22, 2022

By Marisa Hochberg : Offshore outsourcing is a business practice that many companies use to reduce the costs of doing business abroad. Outsourced job types include things like designing websites, developing software, and providing customer service support. Outsourced job types can provide solid financial benefits as well. The key word here is “some” — […]

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Paid Advertising vs Organic SEO, Tips to Increase Your Sales Globally

Paid Advertising vs Organic SEO: Which Is Right for My Business?

November 22, 2022

By Marisa Hochberg : Paid advertising and organic SEO are both great ways to increase your business’s visibility on the internet. However, they have their unique benefits that you should consider when making your decision. If you’ve been wondering whether or not ads versus SEO are worth your time and money, the short answer […]

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Content Marketing for SaaS

Content Marketing for SaaS: Your Step-by-Step Guide

November 22, 2022

By Marisa Hochberg : The word “Saas” has become synonymous with software as a service (SaaS) solutions. There are more than 350,000 Saas companies in the world, and they collectively gross over $100 billion per year. These numbers are only going to increase as software as a service solutions continue to grow in popularity. […]

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Email Marketing Metrics

Email Marketing Metrics: How to Optimize Your Email Campaigns

November 22, 2022

By Marisa Hochberg : If you are still struggling to increase your email marketing success rate, there is an answer for you right here. You see, the reason why only a few brands receive more than 90% of their leads from emails is that most businesses miss the mark with their email marketing efforts. […]

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food delivery business app

UberEats Clone: Creating an Advanced Food Delivery App Similar to UberEats

November 22, 2022

UberEats has been a game changer in the food delivery industry. The app has made it easier to get your favorite meals delivered to your doorstep. And while there are other food delivery apps out there, they have yet to be able to replicate the success of UberEats. So, it is obvious that you would […]

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