Effective public speaking can help in building confidence and personal development for an individual. It also improves your communication skill that is necessary for every part of life. Public speaking skills can also help you to engage with different people and provides you many opportunities for your future development.
Here are few points to explain why public speaking skill is important.
Alleviating your fears:
There are many people who have stage fear. They are not able to interact with the crowd due to their fearful nature. Well, being in the crowd and interact with everyone and everyone will have their attention on the speaker but if the person has stage fear or introvert then they will become frightened by getting everyone’s attention because they will not be comfortable with this type of experience. But if you have an effective speaking skill, it will directly indicate your creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership abilities, and professionalism that is important for your job search.
Boost confidence:
“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.”– said, John Ford, an Irish-American film director and naval officer. John Ford is renowned both for Westerns such as Stagecoach, The Searchers, and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, as well as adaptations of classic 20th century American novels such as The Grapes of Wrath.
Public speaking is the best way to boost your confidence. Public speaking empowers you to overcome the fears and insecurities that you can feel while interacting with the crowd.
To better your public speaking you can start interacting with small groups of public and then try to shift to a larger audience. This will develop more confidence for you and it will be helpful for you on stage, in job meetings, or in personal life. You should understand that your nervousness will not disappear in a single day but it takes time. Regular public speaking can guide you to deal with your fear and also teach you to turn your weakness into your strength.
Critical thinking:
When you try to offer any speech to the crowd, before that you have to write your speech and for that, it requires a great deal of thinking. You have to analyze your audience and provide your message in such a way that it fits with the need of your audience. You will need a critical thinking process to develop your speaking skills and for faster decision-making.
New social network:
Public speaking is the best place to meet new people who share the same interest as you. This will help you to form a good network of people with whom you can share your thoughts and also it gives you various opportunities to achieve your goal. Try to give some time to your audience after the speech so that they can get a chance to engage with you.
Personal development:
To have great public speaking skills you need to have better communication skills that are very crucial for both personal and professional success. If you have good communication skills, it can help you in your interviews, meetings, date, or any other place. Your critical thinking can help you in effective communication and speaking skills.
Karen Mccleave Toronto served the public for 30 years and is the best example for public service. She appeared in the Ontario and Superior Courts of Justice, primarily in York Region, Dufferin, and Simcoe counties. Karen Mccleave Lawyer has been honoured with several awards, including the Doug Lucas Award for excellence in the pursuit of justice through science and two Ontario Excelsior Awards, both for Outstanding Achievement.