By Marisa Hochberg : https://www.facebook.com/people/Marisa-Hochberg/100067299108691/
How do you name your business? If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you probably have a million and one ideas for naming your business. But how do you know which names are the best ones to pursue? You might want to go with something unusual or creative — but if your business is as important as yours, think bigger. You should easily be able to come up with at least five good names for your company alone. With so many options, it can be easy to find yourself confused and overwhelmed with choices. That’s why we created this article filled with helpful tips on how to choose the perfect business name. From choosing a keyword-heavy name to making sure the name you choose is also a good fit for your brand, we’ve got everything you need to know about naming a business.
Check Your Email And Get A Free, No- doubts-about-it Business Name Quiz
For many entrepreneurs, the first step towards choosing a business name is to go through their email accounts and see which names they have floating around in their inboxes. While this may seem like a good idea, in theory, doing so can be a very challenging task. If you don’t know where to begin, we recommend using our free online business name poll to get some guidance. You can use the results of the poll to help you narrow down your choices and get started with the process. While searching through emails can be a helpful start, you should also carefully examine your Contracts, Invoices, and other paperwork to make sure your chosen name is properly displayed and nothing else is present in the inbox.
Make A List Of 10 Names
The first step in the naming process is to make a list of at least 10 names you’d like to pursue as potential business names. This is likely going to be the bulk of your business names, so make sure you have room for at least this many. From there, you can begin to cross names off the list as you decide what not to pursue. While you don’t have to choose the ten names on the list at first, we recommend starting with this list.
Find A Theme For Each Name
After you’ve selected the ten names on your list, the next step is to find a theme or two for each name on the list. For example, if your business’s name is in the medical field, you could look for names that start with the letter ‘M’ or ‘D’ or have some other theme related to the industry. By finding a theme or two for each name on your list, you’ll be able to easily remember which names to select for your interview. This also helps if you’re choosing a creative name that might not be immediately apparent.
Keep It Simple
The number one tip we can give when it comes to choosing a business name is to keep it simple. Think of all the things you can easily say with just one word such as your company name or the name of your product. If your company name is too complicated or challenging to say simply, you’re likely to struggle when saying your business name in public. The same goes for your business name. If you’re having a hard time choosing just one word to use, you’re likely to end up using two or more words.
Make A Logo Out Of It
You can never be too careful when it comes to your business’s logo. The last thing you want is for someone to see your logo and mistake you for someone else. To protect your business’s image, we recommend doing a logo search and looking for existing logos that are similar to your brand. You can then use this as your guide to making your logo. To keep your logo simple, we recommend going with a shape that consists of just two elements: A and b. This will easily represent your business’s name as well as keep things easy on the eyes.
So, you know a little about how to choose the perfect business name. From choosing a keyword-heavy name to making sure the name you choose is also a good fit for your brand, we’ve got everything you need to know about naming a business. Now it’s time to get started on your journey to success by choosing the perfect business name for your business.