Email Marketing Metrics: How to Optimize Your Email Campaigns

Email Marketing Metrics

By Marisa Hochberg :

If you are still struggling to increase your email marketing success rate, there is an answer for you right here. You see, the reason why only a few brands receive more than 90% of their leads from emails is that most businesses miss the mark with their email marketing efforts. Unfortunately, tracking every detail about your customer’s interactions with your emails is a daunting task for any business, but especially one that wants to grow its customer base and begin turning more leads into customers. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools available to help you keep tabs on what works and what doesn’t in your email campaign efforts. To learn how to track and optimize your email marketing campaigns so that you’re getting the most out of each one, keep reading!

What Are Email Marketing Metrics?

Email marketing is a great way to promote your brand and increase your chances of making new customers, but it’s not a great way to measure success. Instead of focusing on numbers that don’t tell you anything about the value of your product or service, it is better to understand how often your customers are clicking “buying now” and “to-do list”. Since email is a push type of communication, it is important to track what aspect of your campaign is causing friction and converting leads into customers.

Types of Email Marketing Metrics You Should Track

There are a few metrics that are critical to gauge success with email marketing campaigns. The most important one is the conversion rate. Conversion rate is the percentage of leads that are taken into consideration as customers. For example, if 90% of your leads are from customers who have purchased within the last six months, you have a good chance of growing your customer base and making more sales from those new customers. The next critical metric is the open rate. This is the percentage of leads that have opened your emails. If 90% of your customers opened your emails but then didn’t make a purchase, you’ve failed as an email marketing campaign.

How to Organize Your Email Marketing Data

To get the most out of your email marketing data, keep it organized. Luckily, getting started is easy. All you have to do is: Define metrics based on your own business goals. Analyze your data and make sure each metric is trending in the right direction. Take corrective actions when necessary.

Tips for Better Email Marketing Tracking

To get the most out of your email marketing efforts, it’s crucial to keep track of your data and the data your customers give you. There are a few ways you can go about this. Use a tracking cookie. Track Changes via Cookies While you may be tempted to “set it and forget it”, tracking cookies are meant to be set every time a customer interacts with your brand. You can use these cookies to keep track of the following: – The exact page your customer is visiting when they first arrive at your website. – What device they’re using? – Which pages they’re visiting? – How long they’re spending on each page.

Bottom line

Ultimately, the most important thing you can do is be patient. The more prepared you are for quick growth, the easier it will be to take advantage of the opportunities that arise in the future. Patience is key when it comes to email marketing. You need to be patient while your competitors are stubborn and waiting for their numbers to grow, not to mention their sales to rise. Tracking metrics is like trying to hit a moving target. Some weeks, your foot may get caught in a crack in the road and you may end up with no leads. In other weeks, you’ll have so many leads that you’ll wonder how you ever managed without them. The only way to know for sure is to keep an eye on the ride and take your time.