Content Marketing for SaaS: Your Step-by-Step Guide

Content Marketing for SaaS

By Marisa Hochberg :

The word “Saas” has become synonymous with software as a service (SaaS) solutions. There are more than 350,000 Saas companies in the world, and they collectively gross over $100 billion per year. These numbers are only going to increase as software as a service solutions continue to grow in popularity. That being said, SaaS wasn’t always so popular. In the early days of the internet, many businesses relied on offering web services rather than owning and operating websites. They did this by renting out their web addresses instead of having their websites or websites hosted by third parties. As a result, many businesses that were involved with online sales at one point in time no longer exist. But today’s world is different from what it was back then — especially when it comes to marketing digital products and services through social media and other forms of digital content marketing. With the increase in users for these platforms as well as the growth of companies that offer SaaS solutions, it’s easy to see why so many businesses have started embracing digital marketing from the get-go. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about SaaS marketing including:

What is SaaS Marketing?

SaaS marketing is a combination of both digital and traditional marketing techniques. Traditional marketing techniques include email marketing and website maintenance. But digital marketing techniques include social media marketing, video marketing, and paid internet advertising. This may sound like a lot of techniques to integrate into one campaign, but that’s exactly what you want to avoid. By choosing the right techniques, you can create an effective SaaS marketing strategy that blends the best of both worlds.

The Different Types of SaaS Marketing

The first type of SaaS marketing is sales marketing. In this type of marketing, you focus on building relationships with customers and capturing their attention through sales offers, discounts, and other types of incentives. You want to make your service as attractive as possible by offering special deals, freebies, and other ways that bring potential customers back for more. The second type of SaaS marketing is branding and marketing. In this type of marketing, you use your brand to strongly associate your company with a particular topic, product, or service. You want potential customers to see your logo and association with positive things in their mind’s eye so that they will consider your company when making a purchase decision.

Why You Should Implement SaaS Marketing

Marketers that implement SaaS marketing have found a great success rate. According to a survey, SaaS marketers have the highest customer retention of all industries surveyed, with a retention rate of 91.9%. That’s higher than the overall average of 80.1% and ranks SaaS as one of the best industries to work in for employee retention. The reason for this is that SaaS marketers can implement more creative and engaging ways to retain their customers. Other industries aren’t able to implement as many creative ways to engage and retain their customers, which can lead to lower customer satisfaction and a lower number of referrals.

How to Determine Which Digital Marketing Tactics Work Best for Your business

Social media marketing and video marketing are the most popular forms of digital content marketing. While social media can be used to connect with customers, it’s not a great way to get customer reviews. Video marketing offers an excellent opportunity to increase brand awareness since it’s a more engaging way to share content than typical social media posts.


Digital marketing for SaaS companies can be challenging. There are so many options and techniques that it can be hard to know where to begin. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be a huge decision. The first thing you have to do is decide what kind of digital marketing you want to implement for your business. The next step is to find out what digital marketing tactics work best for your business. Once you know what you want to do, the rest will fall into place.